Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Woke read alouds



I had to include the website that Ki, the person who reads the woke read aloud's because it is part of a much bigger and amazing organization! Ki is an amazing abolitionist early educator, cultural organizer and creator currently innovating ways to resist, heal, liberate and create with their pedagogy. The website includes many different tabs to click on and learn more about Ki and their organization. Some tabs include, teachable poems, workshops, the link to the woke read alouds and a woke word of the day. The second I went onto this website I felt so happy that something like this exists and I couldn't wait until I had my own kids and could play the woke read alouds for them and for the youth I work with one day.

While google searching LGBTQ in schools this article from planned parenthood popped up and I thought is was just so nicely done. It is an article on how to talk to your child about identity and I think this is so important because it is not an easy topic for some parents or even some kids to approach their parent's about and if a child is showing that they may be a part of the LGBTQ community and a parent is lost at where to go next, this is a nice resource on how to help. One thing I really liked about it was how if you scroll down, it is broken up into 5 little categories that you can click on and it will take you to another page. The 5 categories are how to talk to you preschooler about identity, your elementary aged child, your middle schooler, your high schooler and then there was one on how to talk to all ages about identity. I loved this concept because you wouldn't approach talking about identity to a highs schooler as you would a preschooler and I also think it is so important that they even included preschool because some kids know they are transgender when they are 3,4 and 5 years old so opening up these conversations at an early age is immensely important. 

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