Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Literacy With an Attitude



  • There is a certain paragraph in chapter 2 that got my attention because it sounded all too familiar to what I went through in my education. 
  • On pages12-13 it says "Teachers in the middle-class school seemed to believe that their job was to teach the knowledge that was found in textbooks or dictated by curriculum experts. They valued this more than knowledge taught by experience". (Finn)
  • This is not surprising to hear because in middle school, highs school and even the beginning of college I felt that my teachers were teaching straight from their curriculum books and if you didn't get it, then you didn't get it and oh well, you needed to find a way to catch up on your own. This was extremely frustrating because I always felt I didn't learn the same way as my peers and needed to be taught in many different ways but that was not done for me so I just silently struggled all the way through my first few years of college.

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