5 tricks card game
- I felt like this game brought a lot of us closer as it was the first time we got put in the group setup of the desks and because of the way we had to be quiet and figure out what was going on with no words, we all bonded so quickly and laughed and became fast friends. It also was super eye opening because almost everyone had different ideas as to what was going on and personally, I just felt stupid because I had absolutely no idea what was going on. I think this game was super important to do because as we started connecting it to what we were talking about in class, it all made sense.
Delpit culture of power
- Reading Delpit and learning about the culture and codes of power was really cool to me because it made me rethink all of my experiences in my schooling and how messed up the education system is. I think that the codes of power are basically just giving adults power over the children and taking their voice away. I then got to go back and think about it and compare it to my service learning and how I see the codes of power enacted in that classroom and how the teacher is always using her power over these kids. she has a desk at the front of the room and during morning rug time she sits on a chair while they are all on the rug as she's towering over them telling them what to do and what not to do.
Woke read alouds
- I felt this was a super important topic to go over and watch the woke read aloud but then when we got in class, I didn't feel so good about it anymore. I also went back and read some of my peers journals and I'm a bit shocked that they are going to be teachers one day. This is not a topic that you get to choose if you believe in, you don't get to tell their students if you believe in their identity. You will lose their trust and any hope of you creating a bond with them. I hope watching the read aloud with Ki changed some of their minds and opened up their eyes that this isn't just some kind of crazy "phase" and they WILL have students that use many different pronouns and have many different identities and they have no choice but accept them.
I must have skimmed this journal the first time and not noticed your concerns about our class discussion. I am sorry we didn't get to debrief this!