1. "In this, the British were inventing a concept of race that made it a path of least resistance to see other peoples as subhuman if not nonhuman, making it easier to objectify them and more difficult to feel empathy for them as members of their own kind, both integral to the exertion of control over others" (Johnson).
I chose this quote because it really stuck out to me in showing where racism and white privilege started because even way back in the 18th and 19th centuries, people were being seen as nonhuman because it made it easier for other to objectify them and basically just see them as a thing with no feelings so they didn't feel bad about treating them poorly.
2. "The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution with its Bill of Rights clearly contradict practices such as genocide, conquest, forced migration, slavery, the buying and selling of human beings, and the denial of basic rights to dignity, self-determination, and freedom. To resolve the contradiction, the concept of race was invoked to create distinct cultural categories of ‘white’ and ‘nonwhite’ human beings" (Johnson).
This quote means basically that racism became a thing to put people in two categories on whites and nonwhites so it would be easier to deny basic rights, sell humans and enforce slavery.
3. "In either case, there is no such thing, for as the model makes clear, systems and people exist only in relation to each other and everything we do and everything we experience is always in the context of something larger than ourselves"(Johnson).
This quote was interesting to me because I thought it was very dense and hard to understand but I chose it because it really struck me as something that needed to be pointed out. what does this really mean? what does it mean that everything we experience is bigger than ourselves? I interpreted it as that the things we do and the things we experience always mean something bigger.